Full-scale Shaking Table Test of Passive Response Control of Reinforced Concrete Frames Designed Under Old Seismic Regulation,(Masanori Iiba, Akira Wada ),Seismic Isolation, Passive Energy Dissipation and Active Control of Vibrations of Structures,Koria Earthquake Engineering Research Center,Seoul National University,Volume 1,191-200 ,1999
Damage Controlled Structures in Japan,(Y. H. Huang, Akira Wada), Proceedings of fifth US-Japan Workshop on Seismic Design. Hawaii,Sep. 1-4,1999
骨組みの変形と.パッシブ制振,(和田 章),第三回粘弾性ダンパーの開発と耐震設計・耐震補強への応用に関するシンポジウム,早稲田大学,28-31,1999.6
Dynamic Analysis of Three Dimensional Elastic Frames Incorporating Passive Energy Dissipation System(PEDS),(黄 一華、中村寛之、和田 章),Proceedings of the Second Japan-UK Workshop on Implications of Recent Earthquakes on Seismic Risk,東京工業大学,317-328,1999.4
コンクリート材料の圧縮破壊のイメージベース有限要素解析,(永井学志,山田貴博,和田 章),コンクリート工学年次論文報告集,Vol.21,No.3,157 -161,1999.3
降伏変形の異なる部材の組み合わせによる制振デバイスの開発,(申 範昊、迫田丈志、岩田 衛、和田 章),第10回日本地震工学シンポジウム論文集、震災予防協会・地盤工学会・土木学会・日本機会学会・日本地震学会・日本建築学会,Vol.1/Vol.3,2715-2720,1998.11
性能設計と免震・制振技術の将来,(和田 章),第10回日本地震工学シンポジウムパネルディスカッション資料集、震災予防協会・地盤工学会・土木学会・日本機会学会・日本地震学会・日本建築学会,129-132,1998.11
固定格子のための滑らかな界面を含む混合型有限要素の開発 ,(永井学志,山田貴博,和田 章),計算工学講演会論文集,vol.3 no.2,393-396,1998
実画像データに基ずくコンクリート材料の応力解析,(永井学志、山田貴博、和田 章),第47回応用力学連合講演会 講演予稿集,日本学術会議メカニクス・ 構造研究連絡委員会,413-418,1998 Hybrid and Paralell Static Elasto-plastic Stress Analysis for High-rise Reinforced Concrete Building Combined with Partial Actual Experiment, (Sigekatsu Ichihashi, Hiroyasu Sakata, Akira Wada), Computational Mechanics -New Trends and Applications, Barcelona,Spain,1998
Passive Seismic Control System Using Steel Site Damper, (Satoshi Sugiyama, Akira Wada),Proceedings of the NEHRP Conference and Workshop on Research on the Northridge,California Earthquake of January 17,1994/California Universities for Research in Earthquake Engineering,Vol. 3-B ,3・714-3・721,1998
Dynamic Analysis of Three Dimensional Elastic Frames Incorporating Passive Energy Dissipation System (PEDS), (Hiroyuki Nakamura,Yi Hua Hung, Akira Wada), Proceedings of the Second Japan-UK Workshop on Implications of Recent Earthquakes on Seismic Risk, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan , 317-328, 1998
実画像データに基ずくコンクリート材料の有限要素解析 ,(永井学志、山田貴博、和田 章),計算工学講演会論文集,vol.2,no.3,1103-1110,1997
エネルギー吸収機構を有する高層鉄骨建物の風応答及びその適応性について ,(黄 一華、早川 輝、田村哲郎、笠井和彦、和田 章),建築鋼構造研究フォーラム資 料集/社団法人鋼材倶楽部,10-19,1997
Seismic Design Trend of Tall Steel Buildings After the Kobe Earthquake,(Mamoru Iwata,Yi Hua Huang, Akira Wada),International Workshop on Harmonization of Performance-based Building Structural Design in Countries Surrounding the Pacific Ocean,tsukuba,Japan,2/320-2/320,1997
Passive Seismic Control System Using Steel Slit Damper ,(Satoshi Sugiyama, Akira Wada),The Northridge Earthquake Research Conference, Los Angeles,CA,87,1997
Hysteretic Model of Visco-elastic Damper for Long Duration Loading,(Kazuhiro Kasai, Yi Hua Huang, Akira Wada),Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting,AIJ,Chiba,Japan,1997 Actual Size and Real Time Speed Tests for Hysteretic Steel Damper ,(Yi Hua Huang, Takahiro Yamada, Satoshi Sugiyama, Akira Wada, etc.) ,Proceedings of Stessa '97, Kyoto,Japan,1997
Design and Construction Information for System Truss,(Masanori Fujita,Mamoru Iwata, Akira Wada),Seventh International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering,Vol.2,1467-1472,1997 Seismic Design Buildings Focus on Total Earthquake Damage Cost During Their Lifetime, (Mamoru Iwata, Sawako Knami, Akira Wada),Seventh International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering,Vol.2,1241-1246,1997
実画像データに基ずくコンクリート材料の有限要素解析 ,(永井学志、山田貴博、和田 章),計算工学講演会論文集,vol.2,no.3,1103-1110,1997
1996 建築構造の耐震設計と安全の考え方,特別研究 阪神・淡路大震災から1年-建築および都市の防災性向上にむけて-,兵庫県南部地震特別研究委員会 第一回公開シンポジウム,29-32, 1996,1
Inelastic Behavior of High Strength Steels with Weld Connections Under Cyclic Gradient Stress,(Yi Hua Huang, Yuichiro Onishi, Kenichi Hayashi, Akira Wada),Proceedings of 11WCEE, Eleventh World Conference on Earthquake Engineering,Acapulco, Mexico No.1745-,on CD ROM,1996 Damage to Modern Steel Structures in Kobe,and Current Japanese Research and Design Solution for Steel Buildings,(Yi Hua Haung, Akira Wada),Seismic Design of Steel Buildings after Kobe and Northridge Earthquake/The Institution of Structural Engineers,London,17-28,1996
Damages of Several Kinds of Reinforced Concrete Buildings Located on the Same Site,(Masayoshi Kumata, Akira Wada),Seventh U.S.-Japan Workshop on the Improvement of Structural Design and Construction Practices, Japan Structural Consultants Association and Applied Technology Council, USA, No.7,14.01-14.13,1996
Buckling Strength of Steel Member Having Rotational Springs at Its Both Ends,(Mamoru Iwata, Yuichi Matsuoka Manabu Koizumi, Akira Wada), Eleventh World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, No.1739 on CD rom (8pages paper), 1996
Cyclic Behaviors of High Strength Steels with Weld Connections Used in the Damage Tolerant Structures,(Hua Yi Huang, Yuichirou Onishi, Mamoru Iwata, Akira Wada),Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Steel Structures,385-390,1996
1995 Inelastic Behavior of High Strength Steels Under Cyclic Gradient Stress,(Yi Hua Huang, Mamoru Iwata, Atsushi Watanabe, Akira Wada),Structural Steel, PSSC '95 4th Pacific Structural Steel,367-374,1995
System Truss Structure Using Computer Technologies,(Masanori Fujita, Mamoru Iwata, Akira Wada), 6th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, 457-462,1995 Three-Dimensional Simulations of an Oscillating Rectangular Cylinder, (Tetsuro Tamura, Yoshiaki Itoh, Akira Wada),Proceedings Sixth International Conference on Flow-Induced Vibration,London,UK,181-192,1995
Rational Seismic Design Approach to Steel Building Structures, (Yi Hua Huang, Mamoru Iwata, Jerome J. Connor, Akira Wada), Dynamic Plasticity and Structural Behaviors,Proceedings of Plasticity '95,The Fifth International Symposium on Plasticity and Its Current Applications,No.5,483-486,1995